the primary complaints in tunisia and egypt are not enough jobs and food. heh. seems to me like there are too many people. the world is changing. the supplies of critical resources (oil, water, farmland) are not literally running out, but they're not keeping up with the demands of our ever growing population. some folks will try to connect the dots between man made global warming and political uprisings. others will scoff. but it's really not hard to see the writing on the wall. if only one looked. our grandchildren will number 10 billion human lemmings hurled into a brick wall of ever more severe shortages. or we can be smart. heh. not even smart. just smarter. a whole lot of the world's problems just go away if we manage our population growth. will we? i seriously doubt it. not unless the world's religions suddenly start preaching have all the sex you want. just don't make babies. heh. the world needs a global revolution. but not against governments.