credit card
new rules for credit card companies have gone into effect. it's pretty obvious. under the old rules i would get my bill just in time to pay it before the past due date. this was kinda annoying when you went on vacation. i'd pay off the card in advance. and not use it to buy anything. if i miss by a day, they collect late fees. and they charge me interest on any charges from the moment i make them until i pay off a bill on time. pretty neat huh? now though. i get the bill the day after the end of the billing period. it's kinda creepy how fast the thing shows up in my mailbox. anywho, the strategy now is twofold. get my money as soon as they can. or hope that since the bill is actually due so far in the future, i put off paying it so for so long i forget about it. and we end up in the same late fee interest charging cycle.