mac v pc
i've been using my mac pro as a pc for quite some time. i switch between using macs and pcs quite a bit. so to stoke the old mac v pc fires, here are my thoughts: first when i say pc i mean a pc running 64 bit windows 7. none of the following applies for other versions of windows. this is a forward looking fair and balanced post so that which happened before does not concern us. sorry apple. no points. i hate spotlight. i may have it configured wrong. but big plus for the pc. hitting the delete key on the pc to go back weirds me out. course command-down-arrow to launch something is non-intuitive. small plus for the mac. vastly superior choice of video cards for the pc. big plus for pc. the unix terminal on the mac crushes the dos shell. medium plus for mac. file sharing on the pc sucks. big plus for mac. you get a lot more options in pc land. in mac land you get whatever steve jobs likes. medium plus for the pc. as far as software goes, i use open source stuff on both platforms whenever i can. it's a wash. desktop background pictures give the mac a small plus. i haven't compared costs recently. so i can't award anything there. the pc startup sound is an ultra lame beep. i miss the mac's hearty bong. small plus for mac. the uac thing for pc is annoying but necessary evil. we haven't had much trouble with viruses. the boys' pc has chronic malware issues. they like the flash game sites. small minus for the boys. ;-> so yeah, emotions aside, both get the the job done.