okay so b was off camping with the boy scouts all weekend. g had just left for a first aid training course for cub scouts. i'm looking at the beautiful and talented alisa. and she's looking at me. and we're both thinking, no kids. we should do something fun. want to go for a hike? PSHHHHHHH! what the heck is that? oh shit oh shit oh shit. rust red water was shooting out from under the bathroom sink. PSHHHHHHHHHHH! turn the water off! turn the water off! turn the water off! PSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! i ran to the main water valve and flipped it. then i ran from sink to sink to turn on the faucets to relieve whatever pressure was left in the pipes. alisa grabbed a towel and kept the quickly spreading mess from ruining the carpet. 17 years. 17 years that flexible pipe sat there under that sink with no problems. then sure. we get a couple of kittens and put their litter box in the cabinet under that sink and suddenly it goes all PSHHHHHHHHHHHHH! sheehs. hateful thing. at least the litter box was mostly fresh. we tried not to think about the clumps we were cleaning up. though it could have been worse. much worse. the litter box could have been uh not fresh. ew. ick. heh. or... we could have been on vacation for a week. heh. well. if we had been, i'd be talking about how we're going to remodel the bathroom now. and replace the carpet. wee.