rich not richer
the rich aren't getting richer. it's true. i read it on the internet. i guess in some really limited sense there's a grain of truth there. like say if you compare pre great recession wealth versus the bottom. but that wasn't what the article said. it claimed the income of the rich was going down. which might also be true. i didn't check. okay so far the guy is 2 for 2. but now we get to the fail. paraphrased, the rich aren't getting richer because their income is falling. hrm. someone's confusing wealth (ie rich-ness) and income. granted the two are related in that you can convert one to the other. ie you can sell wealth to generate income. and you can invest income to create wealth. however, income and wealth are also independent. ie you can create wealth without generating income. and you can create income without losing any wealth. the former is what happens when stocks go up and when your house appreciates. your wealth goes up but there was no income. the latter is what happens when your stocks pay dividends. you still have the stocks. they didn't change value. but they generated income. here's a real world counter example. a few years ago, we didn't like our position. so we did what rich folks do. we sold stuff at a high price. generating income. and bought new stuff at a low price. as of last tax year, the stuff we bought increased in value. we're happy with our current position because we think these holdings will appreciate some more. we have no incentive to sell. no sales last year, no income. in simple words, our income went down, and we got richer. exactly the opposite of what mr kool aid drinker asserted is happening. sheehs, folks. learn to think. or sit down and shut up.