a friend of mine has a touch of obsessive compulsive disorder. one of the ways it manifests is pulls weeds from public spaces. it's called removing invasive species. apparently there's a small army of like minded folks. the poor invasive species don't have a chance. course, they're called invasive because they're genetically superior to the native varieties. so they have to be harrison bergeron'd. heh. i've often wondered who gets to decide which are the invasive species. and how. when you get right down to it, most types of plants and animals came here from somewhere else. very few actually originated here. so how do you draw the line in space and time? this invasive species gets to stay and be protected because it invaded here before some other invasive species. weird. anywho. what about grass? yeah, that green stuff your neighbor's dog shits on. it's clearly not native. and there's more of it every year. "native" species lose habitat to it every year. we should outlaw lawns. cultivate a native species in your yard. be green. extreme green.