1957 - 2011. vengeance was served. not justice. make no self delusion here. tempered vengeance, granted. which is about as best an outcome as could possibly be hoped for. and yeah, some part of me would have preferred if he was dropped live and screaming from where the top of the world trade center used to be, covered in piss with a pig's penis in his rectum. then whisper chipper his corpse, mix it with manure, and spread it over the heartland of america. let him do some good as fertilizer. which, while emotionally more satisfying, is probably inferior in the long run. many people divide the world into "us" and "them". certain politicians leap to mind. some might fantasize, even shoot their mouth off, about killing all of "them". but it ends there. for most. ubl was exceptional. and hopefully rare. cause he actually went about killing as many of "them" as he could. christ taught, love your enemy. ubl loved only his friends. and became a monster. which is a good thing for a christian nation to remember when folks start drawing targets on "them".