one meaning of conservative is opposed to change. another definition is understated. as in, a conservative estimate. it also means cautious. ie risk averse. that's me. i oppose change if change is riskier than status quo. along with all the other kind of conservatives. unlike them, i embrace change when status quo is riskier. the problem is evaluating the risk. i think some people are hard wired to inflate the risk factor of anything new and non-traditional. heh. so the last offered definition leads to the first. cool. anywho, consider Conservatives. as in, religiously traditional. they are extremely risk averse. crossing god is risky. god says don't smoke or drink or fuck. so they don't. and everything's fine. or would be. except there's this other group that isn't so risk averse. maybe they don't fear god. so some of them smoke and drink and fuck. which looks like a whole lot of fun. which really isn't fair from the conservative's point of view. so they're very politically active. to make things more fair. ie make laws so you can't smoke or drink or fuck either. which really isn't fair from the non-conservative's point of view. i don't smoke or drink of fuck outside my marriage. so apparently, i'm a conservative. mostly. the big difference is i'm willing to let *you* take all the risks you want. as long as you don't put me at risk. so smoke all you want. but not near me. drink all you want. but don't drive. and fuck all you want. heh. i should be a lock for both the conservative and the liberal vote. timmer for president.