power paw
so bongo came limping home one day. his right front paw was swollen up huge. like nearly bigger than his head. he wouldn't put any weight on it at all. but it didn't seem to be exceedingly painful when prodded. we googled. and we called the vet. he got sedated and got x-rays while we went to dinner. he was pretty loopy when we got him home. he'd kinda stagger around and fall over. it was kinda funny. princess jumped in his travel box. and he looked at her like he wasn't gonna take no trouble. not from either of them. next morning the swelling had gone down to almost normal. it healed too quickly to be a sprain. x-rays showed no broken bones. there was no evidence of a bee sting or thorn. so maybe he removed it himself. or he just had some bizarro allergic reaction. anywho. he's a-okay now. just $300 poorer. stupid cat.