we don't need alarm clocks. the cats have taken on that responsibility. course they don't really care about clock time. they know the sun is up. they can't remember the last time they ate. it must be time for breakfast. which wasn't a problem a few weeks ago. but the sun is rising earlier and earlier. they claw at the closed bedroom door and mew pitifully until we can't stand it any more. they've learned to mimic the sound of a hungry baby. which evolution ensures human parents cannot ignore. they use a different strategy if the door is open. it usually involves cat games under the bed. over the bed. under the bed. over the bed. under the bed. over the bed. sigh. or worse. there's the jaws approach. tippy. tippy. tippy. toe. across the covers. must hold perfectly still. must not stretch. aw nuts. POUNCE! got that toe-mouse. one morning i was successfully ignoring them. until a certain bodily function commenced. pffft-POUNCE! what the?!?! argh. okay okay. i'm awake. i'm awake. i'll get you your breakfast you little butt-mouse-pouncer.