warning spoiler alert. braid is a game that is hosted on the onlive game service. so i've played it. it's a kinda cool puzzle solving game. with a twist. a time based twist. you can press a button and unwind your moves to whenever you wish. and continue on from there. like say you missed a jump and landed in spiky lava and died. rewind. try again. it's a bit of a mind bender. glowing green things are immune to this time reversal. which is a feature you have to use in order to solve some of the puzzles. it's a pretty unique feature. and quite clever actually. this puzzle game also has plot. tim loves this beautiful princess. but lost her cause he's an asstard. and the whole storyline is to take tim back in time and fix things so he can win the princess and live happily ever after. except he can't. cause it turns out, she hates his guts.