politicians of all stripes are making political hay with the debt ceiling. most americans would say our debt is too high. most americans are ignorant. i explain. absolute numbers are irrelevant. what matters is the percentage of our gdp it takes pay the interest. and that cost is half what it was during the reagan bush clinton years. don't believe me? look it up. but now all of a sudden it's a crisis? sheehs. i call baloney. so what's really going on? i think there is productive debt and unproductive debt. i originally named these good and bad. but changed my mind for obvious reasons. anywho, productive debt is education, infrastructure, disease prevention, population control, technology research, exploration, and anything that takes the long view of making our life better. unproductive debt is paying people to kill people (wars), imprisonment without rehabilitation, paying people to not work, subsidizing things that are bad for us (tobacco, corn syrup), interfering with people's rights to pursue happiness (pot, gay marriage), etc. our federal balance sheet has way too many unproductive things and not nearly enough of the productive things. which is at the heart of things, is what's making people unhappy. and giving fuel to the politicians' haymaking. i don't like debt as a matter of principle. cause when you follow the money, interest payments are transfers of wealth from the middle to the top. the middle is bitching about this "tax". even if they don't realize it. so maybe if we actually taxed the top to get the middle's money back, the middle would shut the hell up about the "debt".