so on the flight from detroit to harrisburg, there was a young woman across the aisle a row in front of me. she was wearing a camouflage caltech sweatshirt. which i thought was pretty darn strange. she and the nerdly looking guy sitting next to her were wearing matching blue sneakers. so i assumed they were travelling together. turns out they weren't. i struck up a conversation with her at baggage claim. she just finished law school. and is a patent attorney. or will be. as soon as she gets the results from her bar exams. so, wait for it, she's a patent pending attorney. anywho, she's going to caltech as a grad student. double-e of all things. seemed like a really sweet person. not your caltech stereotype. too much jewelry for that. i haven't been to campus in 15 years or so. she showed me a map. the baseball field is still there. though some new buildings have encroached on it. i gave her some advice. learning at caltech is like trying to drink from a fire hose. you either get a sip. or you get blown away. having done both. i strongly recommended she go for the sip.