grandma roush passed away thursday. so instead of going home from camp michigania, i am now in pennsylvania. i hate being away from my family. pah. ah well. there's really no convenient time to die. christmas would have been worse. anywho. grandma was born in 1917. her mother was 17 years old. she married my grandfather and had her first son when she was 18. it was a very different world then. ah well. the stock market crash of 1929 didn't affect her much. they lived on a farm way out in the sticks. like with a hand pump outside the house for water. her two sons went to wars. grandpa passed at the same time of year in 2003. his health had been deteriorating steadily. as far as i know, grandma was never sick a day in her life. mom joked that nothing could kill her and that one day she would just decide she was done living and die. and that's pretty much what she did.