smaller government sounds like a wonderful thing. course it depends on how we get that smaller government. you're nuts if you think it means we're going to cut the social safety net. um, why? heh. cause the recipients of the social safety net vote. in droves if they feel like their slop trough is threatened. and yeah it's just a trough of slops. but it's theirs. and it's free. so smaller government in practice will mean people lose their jobs. so instead of being tax payers, they will be new voters at the ever growing trough. smaller government will mean fewer subsidies. which sounds like a good thing. until you realize those subsidies are jobs. sense a theme here? course the cost of the social safety net is lower than the cost of the payroll. so yeah, that's a savings. except now there's a bunch of work that isn't getting done. which is bad. cause it's common good kind of work. ie the kinda everyone wants but no one will pay for on their own. smaller government means more social safety net, not less. and a lower standard of living. and reduced potential for economic growth. on the other hand. bigger government is bad too. timmer for balanced government president. wee.