we got a short call from my mother, they're evacuating the street due to flooding. do you have your cell phone? click. huh. i checked the news. cause i had this fear this might be a scam to get people out of their houses and burgle them. if the susquehanna river got high enough to threaten my mother's house, then it would be over the flood wall protecting sunbury. which would be dramatic. seems it was just some city 'crats being super conservative. or bored. or both. there might have been a problem with sewage backing up into homes. but woot. the river crested one house downhill from my mother's. 3' lower than the peak in 1972 from hurricane agnes. still, the little league field was under water. as were the train tracks. exciting. the weather forecast was for one more day of rain. but it didn't happen. fortunately. if it had it probably would have put the river over the top. literally.