so what's the message of the 99%? the media would have you believe they don't have one. they're just a bunch of kooks protesting for the hell of it. heh. maybe the media doesn't get it. or does and is in denial. or is afraid. my income and wealth puts me in the 1%. but my heart is with the 99%. we are individuals. we think for ourselves. we do whatever the fuck we want. and it's getting oppressively hard to do that. the democrats expect you to march lock step just like the republicans. we're now completely disenfranchised. we don't like to be told we have to bail out our banks. but we can't bail out our neighbors. we don't like to be told we can't own guns or smoke pot. we don't like to be told to take off our shoes to get on an airplane. if you want to look and act exactly like the robot next to you, that's fine with us. this is my yard. go play marching moron somewhere else.