bad ideas
according to newt gingrich, the occupy wallstreet protests are a natural result of a bad education system teaching dumb ideas. huh. what dumb ideas are that exactly? the idea that you should get a fair wage for a fair day's labor? hrm. okay. he's right. our education system should teach smart ideas. like lie cheat and steal your way to the top. there are no consequences. cast aside those christian values. like taking care of your neighbor. he's a mortgage dodging bankruptcy filing lazy good for nothing who can't hold a job anyways. it's all about you. and how quickly you can acquire your mountain of gold. cause as soon as you do, the 99% will do anything to get the the tiniest fraction of it. yep. those are the ideas our education system should be teaching. cause that's today's reality. that whole american dream thing, it's just a dream. go back to sleep.