should life death and taxes be fair? maybe. it depends on what you mean by fair. if you mean, everyone gets equal shares, then pah. forget it. life death and taxes should definitely not be fair. life is a game. someone's gonna finish on top. and someone's gonna finish on the bottom. and there's going to be a few winners and a whole lot of losers. that's fair. oh wait. that definition of fair is different from what we were using moments ago. people who want a fair wealth distribution don't mean they want everyone to have the same balance in their bank account. that'd be stupid. they don't mean they want everyone to pay the same tax rate. they mean, they want everyone to play by the same rules. so if my banker gets a bailout to keep him from losing his bank, then i should get a bailout to keep me from losing my house. that's fair. if i walk into 7-11 with a shotgun, i should go to jail. if my broker lies cheats steals and loses a fortune of other people's money, he should go to jail. not sure if the occupiers have figured it out yet. but this is the source of the rage. it's not that wealth is distributed unevenly. it's *supposed* to be distributed unevenly. it's that opportunity isn't distributed evenly. and it should be.