ftl 2
so how did the neutrinos get from cern to gran sasso faster than light? well, most likely, they didn't. in fact, if there was a hole in the ground and you could see the flash from whatever violence created the neutrinos, the flash and the neutrinos would arrive at the same time. so light can travel faster than light? heh. no. there are four basic explanations. one, the researchers made some sort of mundane error. like failing to account for cable delay. or the device isn't where they think it is. both are kinda far underground. far away from the surface where it's easier to measure location. second, they made some sort of relativity error. special or general. synchronizing clocks is exceedingly difficult. if it can even be done. the two places are at different latitudes. so they're rotating at different speeds. they're at different elevations so they're at different gravitational potentials. three, they've missed some sort of quantum mechanics effect. like they measured the phase velocity of the neutrino cloud instead of the velocity of individual neutrinos. four, something else. science is most interesting when something unexpected happens. cause that's when you know you're making progress towards real truth. and not just sitting on some fake island of "truth" with a false sense of righteous security.