so some scientists measured very precisely a cloud of neutrons as they passed through the earth from cern to gran sasso some 2.4 ms away as the photon flies. neutrinos being nearly massless travel at nearly the speed of light. very nearly. in theory. except there's a problem. the observed speed was slightly faster than the speed of light. wtf? okay there are two possibilities. first, relativity is wrong and things can go faster than light. < 0.1% chance. second, the scientist made a mistake. > 99.9% chance. the question though, is what? these scientist are top of the field. they carefully accounted for everything they could imagine. what'd did they miss? they published their paper. and they held a press conference. for which they took some flack. undeserved in my opinion. they needed help. and this was as good of a way as any to get it. if they just published the paper, someone would notice the ftl aspect and might go apeshit bananas with crank "science". which would be a disaster. so instead they held their own press conference rationally presenting the unexpected results and inviting review. cause they knew it most likely wasn't going to hold up. i applaud them. course i'll recant my accolades if i find out they've filed a patent on warp drives. ;->