so bachmann expressed outrage that we're withdrawing from iraq with nothing to show for it. long pause. well, duh. i mean seriously. big fucking DUH! anyone with 10% of a brain who thought about that whole iraq adventure for an attosecond would be pretty sure that was the inevitable outcome. it's embarrassing that someone with significant political clout took ten years to figure that one out. long slow exhale. no use. still angry. okay. so what the fuck did you expect to get? seriously. what? the oil? did you really think we would get to keep any of the oil? we already had it! jeesum. we were buying the stuff for cheap. really cheap. using force of arms to seize something we were already stealing is pretty fucking dumb. okay if not oil, what? land? were we going to carve iraq up into 10 new states? they're predominantly religiously conservative there. 10 new red states would give the republicans the senate. or we could leave it one big state. call it east texas. if not land or oil, what? were we supposed to bring home 30 million slaves? aw shoot. let's go for broke. take the oil, the land, and the slaves. timmer for best leader.