so i was thinking about sex in space recently. and then i read this article about, wait for it, sex in space. and that it'd be hard. as in difficult. hrm. that didn't exactly jibe with my daydreams. so i read further. sex in space would be difficult if not impossible because there's no gravity and no friction. wtf? the role of gravity during intercourse is to squish the two bodies together to make one. gravity is probably the most convenient way to do that. but it certainly isn't the only way. you can have sex while floating in a swimming pool for crying oh! loud. and no friction? wtf is up with that? of course there's friction in zero g. otherwise you wouldn't be able to push off a wall in any direction other than perpendicular. astronauts used friction to stop the spinning hubble. anywho, back to sex. you could replicate missionary position with appropriately placed handles. put hers next to her hips. give him somewhere to tuck his toes and handles near her shoulders. but missionary position? sheehs. why? that'd be like taking an expensive trip to paris and eating at mcdonald's (/plagiarism). seems to me, the lack of gravity creates opportunities just plain not possible dirt side. small forces, ie gentle touches, can have large effects. which is a very interesting sensuous thought. like the floating position. where one partner is not touching anything other than their partner's parts. and the party of the second part uses nothing but the friction between their enjoined personal parts to set up a romantic resonance. kinda like combining sensory deprivation with sensory overload. beam me up scotty.