supply & demand
jobs jobs jobs. it's all about jobs. harumph. okay. let's look at jobs from a free market position. a job is you trading your labor for my money. except the snooty economics word is capital. woot. right now, there are a large number of people offering labor. and very few people offering capital. which drives down the cost of labor. which makes the laborers poorer because of the lowered value of their asset. and the capital holders richer because they get more for less. which increases the supply of labor and decreases the supply of capital. and round we go. it's an economic death spiral. for most. it's great if you're king. we're not just talking about corporations here. i used to have a housekeeper and a gardener. now i have neither. i am no longer offering capital for labor. anywho. from this perspective it's pretty easy to see how to make more jobs. increase the number of labor consuming capital providers. though that's easier said than done. during the new deal the government played that role in the form of massive numbers of public works projects. and we clawed our way out of a depression. i'm not so sure we can do that again. first the government already is a very large employer. and second, the government's ability to borrow money to pay an increased workforce is seriously limited. pretty much, the only solution left is to cut taxes on the middle class. so they can hire housekeepers and gardeners. and to raise taxes on the holders of capital. ie the ones who are *not* using it to create jobs. then the government can afford to hire and train workers. and we can claw our way out of never ending recession. timmer for president.