i'm always amazed to hear about how much electricity other people use. and what their electric bill is. let's start with us. we use less than 17 kwh per day. our bill is less than $60 per month. family of four, mostly incandescent or halogen lights, 40" tv, replay tv, dvd player, old fashioned nintendo, onlive, electric oven, 1000 watt computer and monitor that's on a lot, hot tub, wireless phones, refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, assorted kitchen appliances. gas heater, gas cars, gas dryer. no air conditioning, no pool. most everything is on hard power switches. but it's not like we're really trying to keep electricity usage down. okay. so buddy of mine just got solar panels. lots of them. to bring his bill *down* to $50 per month. sheehs. another buddy of mine uses 3x as much juice. but pays 3x lower rate. so his bill is the same as mine. i'm really kinda baffled. i work from home most days. so what are americans using this electricity for? do they even know? is electricity just so free that people don't even think about how much they're using? heh. when utilities raise rates people bitch instead of cut back. weird. i guess bitching is easy than flipping a switch.