has anyone noticed that electric car abbreviated ecar is race backwards? anywho, a buddy of mine just got a nissan leaf. and loves it! heh. i think most people would like their electric car if they had one. especially two car families that drive often. i want to get one too. let's run some numbers to see if it makes sense. i drive about 500 miles a month. this costs $70 or so. my margin rate for electricity is in the $.33/kwh range. an electric car will cost about 20 kwh per 100 km. gawds. that's an awful unit. notice that it's upside down from the normal miles per gallon. ie smaller is better. you want your car to use fewer kilowatt-hours to do its job. course i'd argue kwh/100km is right side up and mpg is upside down. but whatever. that's a different post. anywho, 500 miles is 800 kms is 8 total recharges is 160 kwh is $53 ballpark. so an electric car would save me $17/mo is $200/yr. wee. now, if electricity was $.13/kwh, the car would cost $20/mo. and save me $30/mo is $360/yr. still not a lot. but hey. that's an extra nice christmas present for everyone.