spanking 2
got more to say about spanking. my way of parenting is best. obviously. on the other hand some parents are horrible. and their life (and mine) would be improved if spanking their kid were allowed. case in point. we were at the airport. and there's this fat little girl throwing a screaming tantrum. and it went on and on and on. and the parents were doing token things to get her to calm down. and more than one person at the gate was thinking, swat the brat. she was way too old for this kind if misbehavior. finally she calmed down. and 2 minutes later, she gets a cookie. fuck. she only threw the temper tantrum to get the cookie. she didn't know any better. it's how her stupid parents trained her. i blame them for the over the top unpleasantness in an already unpleasant activity. sheehs. these parents are too stupid to realize they're rewarding bad behavior. and really, you gotta admit, in this case, the spanking technique would be superior. the kid certainly isn't well served by this false association. neither are its teachers. nor neighbors. nor society. nor fellow travelers.