last post i used the term anti-choice. isn't that the same as anti-abortion? well, no. not quite. a human fetus is a human being. it can't really be anything else. and terminating a pregnancy ends that human being's life. one can't really dress up that fact any other way. think lipstick on a pig. if a fetus could survive outside of a womb, it would have a right to life. but since it can't. it doesn't. at least, that's how i justify murder. course only the owner of the womb has the right to evict the person inside it. i can't force you to have an abortion. and you can't keep me from having one. of course not. i'm male. if there was a human life parasitically living inside my body, i really don't think you'd have any problem with me removing it. even if it's destroyed in the process. and if you do, i'll laugh at you. cause i'm male. and i do whatever the hell i want with my body. don't believe me? google what life is like for retired football players. it's only archaic thinking that let's us think we can tell non-males what they can and cannot do with their bodies.