"good" boy
i really didn't want to take out the trash on account of my knee being old and cantankerous. b volunteered to. what a great kid. except... we got up the next morning and discovered the trash was strewn all over the front lawn. aw man. someone was in so much trouble. here we thought he did something nice. and in reality he just made more work for g and me. sigh. heh. okay. what really happened is he set the trash in the street with the wheels tight up against the curb. so it was leaning backwards slightly. it was kinda windy last night. we live on an outside corner. so he just happened to place the garbage can so it was perfectly lined up with the wind. no other trash can in either direction blew over. just ours. it was also only barely half full. so it was especially light. and super easy to tip over. three strikes and trash out! heh. fortunately, they had the foresight to set up the hockey/soccer net directly downwind from the garbage can. most of the trash ended up in the net instead of strewn about in the rose bushes. the thorny rose bushes. that scratch the hands that take their trash.