despite what's implied by this blog, i'm not really a witty reparte type of person. usually i think of the perfect thing to say hours or days later. there was one time though. and i only thought of it cause a fark headline recently asked if you'd date your best friend's ex. i don't really have very many best friends. and they don't really have very many ex's. so i kinda had to stretch the definition of "best friend" and "ex". so anywho. k (the "best friend") was out. and k (the "ex") was hanging out at tao house. probably waiting for k (the "best friend") to show up. so anywho, she's a sweetheart. way way too nice for him. imho. anywho. i'm working away on some piece of code or another. and she's bored. and asks out of the blue, what do you call it when you lose your virginity? my once in a lifetime quip, prom night?