climate models
following up yesterday's post, so what about climate models? are they accurate? the answer is the same. some are crap. and some are not. the ones that are calibrated to the past are doomed to fail. same as the yester-mentioned stock market models. the ones that are based on how things work will fare much better. climate is weather on a longer-than-your-life-span time scale. which is really chaotic. like the stock market. so no model will be able to predict individual weather events. anyone who says they can, or should, is an idiot. there are plenty of idiots on all sides of the climate topic. so don't go saying timmer says all you agw (or anti-agw) people are idiots. cause that'd just prove the idiot is you. sheehs. anywho. the trick is to separate the good models from the bad. and that's pretty tough given the information turned up by google searches. not impossible. just tough.