duggar math
i don't know michelle duggar. but she's 19 for 20 in the baby making department. which is some 18 strikes against her in my book. and a possible topic for another post. here's another strike. she claimed overpopulation is a myth. cause everyone in the world could fit in jacksonville florida. okay. let's fact check that. the area of the city is some 2264 square kilometers. the population of the world is some 6.8 billion people. that'd give us each some 0.33 square meters. which'd be a square some 57 cm on a size. which is slightly longer than the distance from my elbow to my fingertips. so uh yeah. i guess we'd all fit. quite literally shoulder to shoulder. you'd only be able to lie down if you let two others stand over you. i think we should pack the duggars this tightly for a couple days. maybe they'll change their minds about overpopulation. and birth control. it's a vagina. not a clown car.