how much is the beautiful and talented alisa worth? heh. a lot. a whole lot. nearly $5000 yesterday alone. taxes were done. we got a refund from the feds. and a balance due to the state. i handed her a pdf on a thumb drive to proof before we turned it in. she found an error. we had way too much investment income. turns out none of it was canceled by last year's capital loss carryover. weird. i'm quick to blame turbotax. cause apparently others have had the same issue. on the step-by-step page in question, turbotax specifically says it copied the numbers from the federal forms. but i remember the fields as being blank. pretty sure i didn't delete them. weird. and they definitely ended up blank in the california forms. when i manually entered the numbers, our balance due became a refund. yay! i should do something really nice for that woman.