rich people would rather dip their dicks in lighter fluid, strike a match, and sing disco inferno than pay an extra cent in taxes. quite an image eh? amazing what one can do with words. they're not mine. i don't even pretend i can write something like that. they're steven king's words. he's another of those people who went from small time to big time. and knows from first hand experience how screwed the bottom half is and how pandered the top is when it comes to the tax burden. cut a check and shut up, is the response. well he won't. and neither will i. shut up that is. society's moral compass is all turned about. the rich guy is worshiped as the hard working job creator. and the workers are reviled as lazy good for nothings. i don't get it. why are people buying into this bullshit? why aren't we punching the faces of the people who mouth this garbage? it's sad that our civilization is falling for this crap.