when i started composing this post (composting? hrm) in my mind, obama hadn't been shoved off the gay marriage fence. nicely played biden. up until then obama and romney were pretty much indistinguishable. it's strange. with the rise of the tea party and all the noise the far right has been making, the rank and file republicans chose the candidate to represent them that's most like obama. would they vote for obama if he was a republican instead of a democrat? hrm. or is this a pragmatic choice? ie the best chance to put anyone other than obama in the white house. in my book, romney has a pretty okay record in massachusetts. however, bain capital terrifies me. they buy companies with good credit, cook the books, pump up the debt, pay themselves, and flip for a quick and massive profit. which would be a horrific thing to happen to the country. obama inherited a mess. when the previous coach builds a run and shoot strategy, you're pretty much stuck with it until you can remake the team. kinda like the second iraq war and the tarp program. we have to get spending under control. it'll be interesting to see what happens this summer when the bill from last summer's shutdown avoidance agreement comes due. will the automatic cuts to defense and social programs kick in? or will we be able to negotiate spending cuts that are a bit more nuanced? i'd prefer the latter. though the current political climate is non-conducive. currently, i'm leaning towards giving the guy a chance to call his own plays. and away from the worst possible scenario of massive plundering of our remaining credit by rich guys.