so the irs sent us a nice letter notifying us there was a discrepancy between what we claimed on our 2010 taxes and what other people said they paid us. hrm. upon further review, turns out, they're completely right. i blame schwab. we closed one of the accounts we had with them that year. in prior years we imported schwab data directly into turbotax. and everything got there no sweat. that year though they didn't include anything from the closed account. and they didn't send us paper copies. or maybe they did. and we missed them. like, what's this? don't know. don't care. we reliably get our tax info from schwab online. or did. so amending taxes is a pain in the ass. after all the smoke cleared we owe them an additional $325. woot. course when we went back and looked at the states, we noticed the same turbotax bug that nearly burned us in 2011. so we fixed that too. for an $1100 windfall from the state. or will. as soon as the feds accept our amendment. ca will be all like, gee thanks feds. heh. it would have been better for the state to quietly pay the feds what we owe them instead of fixing things. anywho, now we can get on with amending 2011 taxes too. cause all the carryforwards are going to be wrong. wee.