there's a very important difference between the sexes. males will consume the last cookie. females will not. some females will go apeshit bananas insane screechy pants when the last cookie is consumed. not the beautiful and talented alisa of course. which is why i married her. but that's a story for a different post. anywho, let me explain the male thought process. the last cookie is sitting in the jar. for days. weeks even. no one can eat it. cause it's the last cookie. and they fear the screeching primate syndrome. so it sits there. and sits there. and sits there. everyone's unhappy. cause *nobody* is eating any cookies. and cookies don't go on the grocery list. cause we're not completely out of cookies. enter the male. he eats the last cookie. the well-trained male will add cookies to the grocery list. it's actually pretty easy to train a male to do this trick. cause the male wants more cookies. within a week or so someone makes a grocery run. and everyone can eat cookies again. so there's the short period between the consumption of the last cookie and the grocery run where everyone is again unhappy cause there's no cookies to eat. but this period of time is much much much shorter than the arbitrarily long period of time it takes for the last cookie to go to mold and be thrown away. see? the male is providing a useful service. so ladies, please remember the value of this service the next time your male eats the last cookie.