suppose i have a monopoly on food. ie if you want a meal, you have to trade me something i want for it. pretty quickly i will have everything i want. and i will start demanding more and more and more from you. and yeah you can try to give me lectures about how god wants me to share and i'll go to hell if i don't. but at the end of the day, you're going to be hungry. so pretty much, you're my slave. i have everything. and you have nothing. you would never give anyone a monopoly on food. so why are we so hell bent on giving a tiny number of people a monopoly on money? you buy food with money. you buy water with money. without money you get very little of anything you need. just like before, you will give me anything and everything to get money. again, you're my slave. so why are we so hell bent on giving the super rich a monopoly on money? they've already got most of everything. why are we even considering cutting their taxes? are we fucking stupid? are we so desperate to preserve our lifestyle - which depends on money - that we're willing to give the elite anything they want? shifting taxes from the middle class to the rich is one of two things that can dampen the slave-making effect of a monopoly on money. the other is the guillotine.