stupidity 2
continuing yesterday's post. i was subject to the loud phone lady because i was fleeing the loud stock guy. he had a system for vegas. and it wasn't: don't play. so right off the bat we know the guy's an idiot. he also has a system for wallstreet. buy stocks that are super cheap. cause it only has to swing a few pennies for there to be a large percentage gain. and there are super fast computers out there that somehow make penny stocks swing that much. which might be true. so okay. but it seems like there might be a reason why a company's stock is priced so low. like maybe cause the company is worth crap. and there's significant risk they'll go out of business. at which point you lose your whole investment. which is okay cause it's so cheap, right! sheehs. this particular stock pick was an ethanol company. two things. there's a drought driving up the price of corn and driving down the profits of the ethanol companies and hence their stock price. so it seems like the smarter play would be sell short. second, even the slowest of folks have sorta gotten the idea that turning delicious food into crappy expensive fuel is dumb. but anywho. someone's gotta feed wallstreet.