so i took
this little quiz to see who i should vote for. i actually took it twice. the first time i answered everything according to my actual preferences. the second time opposite. i wanted to see if it was an honest quiz or a trick to convince me i should vote for candidate x. here are the results: jill stein 88% (5%), obama 79% (34%), ron paul 60% (63%), and mitt romney 30% (81%). my initial reaction was: who the fuck is jill stein? heh. she's the green party candidate. so like yeah, i'd love to vote for you. except i need to play the min/max strategy. ie minimize the worst possible outcome. ie vote for the person most likely to beat the worst choice. i'm kinda disappointed in obama's crackdown on marijuana. i shit a square brick when he threw a metric assload of stimulus money into the economy. i like our foreign policy. bin laden is dead. ghadafy is dead. kim jong il is dead. mubarak is dead for all practical purposes. assad could be dead any day now. iran still doesn't have the bomb. and best of all possible worlds: we are no longer the bad guys. hoo-fucking-ray. the ron paul numbers are interesting and confusing. he should be viewed favorably by me. and simultaneously by opposite me. which seems kinda counter intuitive. and suspicious. like he sponsored this site. heh. ron paul has the same problem as jill stein. i really like what he's done with gaming the delegates. that's awesome. more conservatives need to wrest control of their party from the nut jobs who've hijacked it. mitt romney is an enigma. i don't like what he's saying. at all. but i pretty much like what he did as governor of massachusetts. can i vote against romney the right wing shill and for romney the good governor?