useful skill
i realized the other day i have a useful skill. but first some background. i do a significant chunk of the dishes. yeah, i know that's not very manly. but i like the cooking of the beautiful and talented alisa way way more than i like my own. so i wash more dishes and burn less toast. win-win all the way around. i don't particularly like washing dishes. and i really don't like cleaning peanut butter off a butter knife. these things have to be washed by hand. cause the dishwasher (the robot not the person) doesn't get them clean. sometimes i see a peanut butter coated knife lying on the counter smearing peanut butter all over formerly easy to wash dishes. and i clean it immediately. to keep the mess from spreading. and i wonder, how the fuck do you get so much peanut butter crapped all over a knife? i'm not sure i could get that much peanut butter on a knife period. perhaps i just don't like getting schmootz of any kind on my little princess hands. so i'm very careful the peanut butter only touches the tip of the knife. apparently everyone else in the house has stablehand hands that don't mind being covered in ick. so anywho. back to the useful skill. i like chocolate. and i like peanut butter. and i like to eat them together. the beautiful and talented alisa spoils me with a dark chocolate assorted pack of individually wrapped morsels of yumminess. the stablehands often leave big glops of peanut butter along the inside top of the jar. where it lurks in silent ambush. until i come along with my scraper shaped piece of chocolate. sometimes it takes several pieces to clear the jar. bummer, eh? i get a treat. the peanut butter jar trap has been disarmed. the stablehands have clean hands. and there are no butter knife ick bombs left on the counter. a win win win win win situation all around.