yeah, i know it's a bit early. but i'm going to call this one for romney. he's got momentum. he's taken a huge shift to the middle. and totally blindsided obama from the left. well played. course i still don't know which romney will occupy the white house. i'd be okay with mitt the governor. but not with mitt the guy with ten digits who'll sign anything grover norquist puts in front of him. yeah i know obama's still the 2:1 favorite. so why am i calling it for romney? is it because democrats answer pollsters but don't actually vote whereas republicans don't respond to pollsters but do actually vote? well, maybe. but no. the real reason is that friends of republicans control the voting machines in the swing states. now, i'm not saying that republicans cheat. or even that friends of republicans cheat. i am saying that there are outliers in every population. given a large enough population the outliers will get way way the fuck out there. sandusky is a christian, for example. if you give enough people access to the voting machines, where they could cheat, and the chance of getting caught is non-existant, and the greater good justifies the means, some outlier will tweak things just enough to cap a reagan sized upset.