going through security on the way home was the longest line we had to wait in for the entire trip. and it wasn't very bad at all. there was a woman wearing high heels in front of us. later we saw she had removed her shoes to go through the scanners. but she was still walking around on her tippy toes. it looked kinda strange. made me wonder. does she wear super high heels so much that her calf muscles are so tight she's lost the ability to flex her feet? she hates being short? she didn't want to get her heels dirty? heh. i read on the internet, so it must be true, that women can wear high heels all day long and not get fatigued. but as soon as they take them off, the tiredness sets in. it may be a real physical phenomenon. or it might be psychological. or some of both. i'd try it for myself. but there are social norms against such behavior. but but but science! maybe if everyone wore high heels... ooo. the end of the month *is* halloween. hrm.