in recent posts, i've made the science getaway vacation sound wonderful. and it was. really the only bad part was the first night was the altitude sickness. i was very careful to drink lots of water. and i was pretty careful to not eat too much. even though it was really good. but i still failed. after dinner i had this yucky feeling in my tummy. i got rid of it. but it really spoiled cuddle time. sigh. i'm really sorry sweetie. i really tried! what's weird is i didn't get altitude sick in cuzco. which was nearly twice the altitude. maybe that was difference. both times we traveled from sea level in one day. hrm. course that's in the southern hemisphere. so the world's rotating the opposite relative direction. maybe i have a left handed equilibrium system. so spinning clockwise is okay. but spinning counter clockwise is not. hrm. more research required.