dragons of atlantis
i've been playing this little facebook game called dragons of atlantis. it's kinda fun. even if it is a cow clicking game. i like building things. so that's fun. i've started over in new realms several times. cause it was a bit of a puzzle to figure out how to do things efficiently. they give you a series of quests to follow. but if you do, you end up totally resource blocked. which kinda sucks. but you can spend real money to make things go faster. which is okay. however, if you spend a little money you can pretty much plan on spending a lot of money. optionally paying to play is cool. i really don't like how you pretty much *must* spend money to do some things. like upgrade your buildings to level 10. which is a requirement for some of the elite troop types. pay to win sucks. you can queue up troops to train. but you can't queue up buildings to build. nor science to research. which kinda sucks too. i like to play games on my schedule. i don't want to play a game on its schedule. sheehs. anywho, enough ranting. it's nominally pvp. however, there's really no point in attacking an active player. the only thing you can "win" is ire and some resources. the first phase is build the economy of your first city. i've done that. so now i have no incentive to ever attack anyone. weird. the next phases are to train 3500 battle dragons so you can take out a level 5 anthropus camp so you can find the dragon armor so you can train your great dragon in aerial combat so you can take your great dragon on raids so you can find anthropus tokens and dragon eggs. then you can build more outposts and raise more dragons. which is probably when my curiosity with respect to this game will be satisfied.