marijuana is a schedule 1 drug. that means it has no medical value. at least according to the federal government. but wait. check out this
patent. its claims are basically that cannabinoids (the stuff found in marijuana) are effective at treating a wide range of diseases. is this some crackpot pothead filing this claim? no. the assignee, ie the owner of the patent, is the united states government. i'm pretty sure there are cases making their way through the courts arguing that marijuana is not a schedule 1 drug because it has bona fide medical uses. and therefore not subject to the super strict laws regulating it. seems like one could present this patent to the judge. and marijuana would no longer be a schedule 1 drug. and our prisons will no longer be filled with folks whose crime is not choosing alcohol as their recreational drug of choice. legalized pot! woo hooty! sorta. a doctor would not be able to tell you to take two tokes every morning to treat your glaucoma. no way. that'd be infringing on the us government's patent. so oddly, smoking dope would only be legal for recreational purposes.