the daily kos reported someone claimed they hacked karl rove's computers and installed a firewall that prevented those computers from accessing the servers that collected the official ballot reports from ohio, florida, and virginia. i read it on the internet. so it must be true. heh. or not. either way it makes me smile. the "evidience" is karl rove's behavior on election night. he was absolutely certain ohio would go to romney. and absolutely melted down when fox called the state for obama. see? true. no doubt. just on that. he behaved exactly like doyle lonnegan in the sting who thought the fix was in. also the results matched the polls nearly exactly. unlike previous years where they didn't. which is an event so supremely ordinary, it looks suspicious. on the other hand, it is also claimed this was the work of a group of democracy loving vigilante hackers with a super lame patriotic name. dubious. could i do it? probably not. do i know people who could have pulled off such a thing? absolutely. do i think they would have? not bloody likely. on the gripping hand, suppose we want to believe. if not the anonymous white hats, then who? the nsa certainly could have done the job. someone said, someone cheated in '04. let's make sure no one cheats this year. we'll need a cover story...