in a previous but recent election, democrats cried foul because there were inexplicable anomalies. like the county in florida that voted 90% for democratic issues. like green power, clean water, feed the poor, etc. yet simultaneously voted 90% for bush. pretty much guaranteeing they wouldn't get the things they want. i've got a pretty good imagination. but i just can't wrap my head around that one. oh wait. they voted on machines with no paper trail connected to an unsecured server. ah, okay. got it. anywho. so this year, the "same" thing happened. there's a precinct in philadelphia of nearly 20,000 souls. not a single one of which voted for romney. not even by accident. i agree it's an improbable event. but unlike florida, i don't have any trouble believing it. and no, not because it went "my" way. the congressional districts in the state are heavily gerrymandered. basically that means there are districts which are 100% democrat. and districts that are 55% republican. this allows the 40% minority party to hold 60% of the seats in the house of representatives. isn't democracy wonderful? so no, i don't think it's at all unbelievable that a predominantly black, poor precinct didn't cast a single vote for the rich white guy.