i'm going to bash the republican platform for a bit. which is different from bashing the people who label themselves republicans. my goal here is to make the people feel pretty silly for claiming to be part of the organization that supports such a stupid platform. which would be the first step in getting them to at least think about what they're supporting. and maybe, just maybe, change it. just a little. they'd likely own the senate, house, and presidency if they did. anywho. something to think about. so what the fuck am i talking about? the republican platform is clearly pro-life. an unborn child must be defended at all costs. even if it costs the mother her life. even if it plunges the family into poverty. even if the infant is doomed by some horrible defect. its life must be extended by every medical procedure available. blah blah blah. okay. so that's an extreme position. but one that one can easily infer by the language of the platform. simultaneously, the platform is quietly against any kind of support for that unborn kid after it's born. even if it lives in poverty. or is at risk of preventable diseases. too bad. it's their own fault for being born poor. okay, so we'll do anything and everything for a kid in the womb. but we won't lift a finger for a kid outside the womb. weird. i used to think this was hypocracy. but while thinking about yesterday's post, i decided it's not. it's slavery. the republican platform asserts they own your body. and the fetuses therein are their property. destruction of said assets is strictly prohibited. course they think they own you once you're born too. whether you live or die depends on how well you please them. fail and die. succeed and live. for another day. vote republican, slave.