man. what a pain in the ass. we have our house phone land line through at&t. we also have our cell phones through at&t. at&t offers this combined bill feature. which sounds pretty cool. but man. what a pain in the ass. yeah, i know i'm repeating myself here. but man. what a pain in the ass. the first problem is the bill for the land line is in the beautiful and talented alisa's name. the bill for the cell phones is in my name. can't merge them. pah. okay. switch the land line to my name. cause the bills are paid from my bank account. okay so fail the first. the account numbers changed. and i didn't notice. they sent me an email alert that my bill was ready to view. like they do every month. but the ebill never came. i wasn't concerned. cause it's supposed to be combined. okay. wireless bill arrives. it's too small. and at&t is calling about a delinquent account. i call them. way back when, when we added b's cell phone to the account, they had to create a temporary account. they never sent me a bill for this account. okay. so i paid that. which i assumed was part of the combined bill. cause combined, it's about the right amount. but no. at&t was also calling about the delinquent house phone bill. and we failed to notice the messages on the machine had two different phone numbers. yeah yeah. dealt with that. right. wrong. sigh. at&t sends a disconnection notice. wtf? oh lookit. no ebill. okay. so i pay the house phone using online bill pay. done. right? nope. four days later the phone is disconnected. wtf? i call billing. and we figure out the account number change thing. so the nice lady transferred the payment. canceled the reconnection fee. and put a no-disconnect notice on the account while the payment transfer is pending. so we should be good, right? right??? oh god. please let it be right this time.